Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekend Catch Up!

Happy first day of October everyone!! Yay!! I don't know about you but I am LOVING this fall weather! It's finally cooling off here in Georgia! I spent this Saturday with my family at a horse show, then Sunday I had two amazing photo sessions, one in Savannah and one on Tybee Island! It was my first photo session at the beach and I wish I could do every session there!

 My husbands birthday was last week so I made him his birthday dinner on Sunday, homemade crockpot ribs!! Yum! They turned out so good. I don't follow football, but the Redskins finally won this weekend!! (I'm only excited because they are my husbands team, shhh... LOL!!) But it's about time! I hope all of you had a great weekend too! If you are interested in taking advantage of this beautiful fall weather, contact me for a Fall Mini Session at natersmom1@yahoo.com. Christmas is closer than you think too, its never too early to book your holiday photos! Here are a couple more photos from my sessions this weekend :D

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jude's Birth Story

Tessa contacted me a few days ago asking if I wanted to document her baby boy's birth in a week and of course I said yes!! I photographed her maternity session about a month before. She was being induced Wednesday evening, and I was surprised when it had progressed quickly and she was calling me at 8:30pm saying her water had broken and so I drove over right away! The labor continued to progress quickly, but not without some stress! Jude's heart rate was very elevated with every contraction and the doctors were talking about the possibility of a C-section. But the doctors tried their hardest to make it so that wouldn't happen and at around 3 o'clock AM she was ready to push! Jude was born at 3:20 AM weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces! He was having some trouble breathing on his own so the nurses had to take him down to the NICU after Mom and Dad got to meet him. Send prayers to baby Jude, he has an infection and has to be in the NICU for around 10 days. I was very blessed to document this special time for this family and to meet this beautiful, strong baby! Thank you Paszek family! I pray that Jude continues to get healthy and can go home with you soon!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Anderson Family

I met little Keely and her mom in Germany, when Keely won one of my photo contests! So I was surprised when Kari contacted me a couple months ago saying that she and her family were stationed at the nearby Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah! They were expecting a new member of the family, and asked if I could do the newborn photos when he was born! So he arrived in July and I met them at their house for the newborn/family photos and some photos of Keely since she was turning 2! Enjoy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lily l Newborn

This was a special session, as Lily's daddy is deployed and these photos were a surprise for him. He will hopefully get to meet his beautiful little girl in person very soon!